Behind The Brew Sweet Sassy Molassy

Here at Hay Camp, we love supporting other Local area Businesses. Sometimes we get lucky, and that support turns into a new project together. Exactly that happened with our Sweet Sassy Molassy. We couldn't have planned a better collaboration than we did this Fall by making a Winter warmer seasonal brown ale with our downtown cookie shop Mary's Mountain Cookies and their massive 4oz gingersnap cookies. This collaboration beer added 50 pounds of freshly baked gingersnaps directly into the Mash to infuse this seasonal treat with a delightful gingersnap cookie goodness. You can expect toasted malt and a molasses finish with every sip. If cookies IN your beer was not enough, on the beer release day, we also served a pairing of three 1 once cookies from Mary's Mountain Cookies to enjoy with your deserts, err I mean beers.

Don't stop short with only the Sweet Sassy Molassy; it's just half of this delicious treat. Our Marketing Manager Tanner had the chance to stop in and get a behind the scenes look at the making behind these cookies And share it with all of you.

Make sure you stop into Mary's Mountain Cookies and try any number of their cookie selections with a Hay Camp beer. We recommend their sugar cookies with an IPA or an oatmeal cookie with the Victory Stout!


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